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MCA Struck Off Companies Check

Seeking details about companies delisted in India? The Registrar of Companies (ROC) holds records of such entities. Figment offers the MCA Struck off Companies Check, granting you access to this data.

Our tool eradicates the necessity for manual searches, providing accurate and current information on MCA struck off companies. Save time and effort with Figment’s Struck Off Company Search Tool by providing only PAN Number as an input


Company status (Active / Struck Off)


Business Registered Address


Business Name






Date of Last Balance Sheet


List of Directors


Date of incorporation


Age of the company


Authorized Capital


Paid up Capital

MCA Struck Off Companies Check

What is a struck off company?

A struck off company is an entity no longer listed in the Registrar of Companies (RoC), losing its legal validity. Causes include non-compliance, business cessation, or prolonged inactivity. Consequences entail loss of legal status, asset seizure, director liability, reputational harm, and restoration challenges.

Mandatory Disclosure for Struck Off Companies

Shareholders gain insight into a company’s transactional patterns through its financial statements, which include details such as significant loans, guarantees, or security dealings with affiliated entities. Compliance with Schedule III of the Companies Act 2013 is mandatory for all financial statements.

Considering the foregoing, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs implemented a fresh disclosure mandate for company financial statements on March 24, 2021, which takes effect from April 1, 2021, and is applicable to statements prepared for the forthcoming fiscal year 2021-2022.

An example of this requirement entails revealing transactions involving companies struck off by the Registrar of Companies (RoC) under section 248 of the Act, or under section 560 of the Companies Act, 1956.

Under these circumstances, the following details must be revealed:

What is Figment MCA Struck off companies check tool?

Manually searching for MCA Struck off companies can be a time-consuming task, often spanning days. However, with Figment Struck off companies check, you can access all necessary details instantly with just a single click.

Why Figment for your MCA struck off companies’ searches?

Why opt for Figment’s MCA struck-off companies check tool-

Frequently Asked Questions

Striking off a company serves as an alternative to the winding-up process. The Company Act outlines two methods through which a company can be struck off.

RoC (Registrar of Companies) initiates strike off under Section 248(1) of the Companies Act 2013.

A company can conduct its own strike off under Section 248(2) of the Companies Act 2013.

Based on the following criteria, a company may undergo striking off.

  • The company has not commenced any business within one year of its incorporation.
  • The company has not engaged in any business or activity for the past two financial years, and it has not applied for Dormant Company status under Section 455 of the Act.

Typically, when the MCA strikes off a company, it signifies the closure of the company, and the Registrar of Companies removes its name from the register.

After being struck off by the MCA, the company ceases to exist and cannot engage in any further business activities.

To reinstate a company struck off by the MCA, one can utilize a process called Administrative Restoration. Under this procedure, a company struck off within the previous 12 months can apply to the Companies House by completing the Administrative Restoration form.

If more than 12 months have passed, restoration can be pursued through Court Order Restoration.

When a company is struck off by the MCA, its name is removed from the Registrar of Companies and the company no longer exists.

This action does not impact one’s personal credit rating.

When the MCA strikes off a company, it removes the company’s name from the ROC, effectively dissolving it and causing it to cease to exist.

Subsequently, the company is unable to engage in any trade, business activities, or operations.

One stipulation from the MCA involves revealing transactions with companies that have been struck off by the Registrar of Companies (RoC) under section 248 of the Act or under section 560 of the Companies Act, 1956.

Under these circumstances, the following details must be revealed:

  • Name of the struck-off company
  • Nature of transactions with such companies
  • Balance outstanding and relationship with the struck-off company.

Utilizing the Figment Strike off companies check, you can swiftly ascertain the strike-off status of any company by simply inputting its name.

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